- Showing the same document in two sublime text windows install#
- Showing the same document in two sublime text windows pro#
- Showing the same document in two sublime text windows code#
- Showing the same document in two sublime text windows download#
You might want all uppercase, or you may need to convert a SHOUTY SENTENCE to all lowercase. Sometimes you have text that’s in the wrong case. To enable this option, it’s a few checkboxes down from the Show invisibles option in Atom (Mac) or File (Windows/Linux) > Preferences > (Scroll Down) Soft Wrap. If it has wrapped the line, it indents it to the same level as the previous line and replaces the line number in the gutter with a This makes sure nothing goes off the edge of the screen but wraps around. I despise having to scroll left and right and up and down, so to make sure there’s only one direction, I’ve enabled soft wrap in Atom. To do this, go to Atom (Mac) or File (Windows/Linux) > Preferences > (Scroll Down) Show Invisibles. This helps you see exactly where you have mixed tabs and empty news filled with spaces.Īlthough it makes your screen feel “busy” to begin with, you soon get used to it, and I now find it invaluable. for space indentation, » for tab and ¬ for new line characters.To make sure the document and all lines are using the correct indentation, I’ve enabled invisibles in my editor. Or this for Windows/Linux: 'atom-text-editor': To do the same yourself, go to Atom > Keymap (Mac) or File > Settings > Keybindings > Keymap (Windows/Linux) and paste the following for Mac: 'atom-text-editor': (On Windows, I would opt for Ctrl + } - which is Ctrl + Shift + ] - as Ctrl + Alt + ] is already taken.) To speed this up, I created a custom keyboard shortcut, enabling me to use Ctrl + Cmd + ] at any point.

This should copy the current indentation on the file to correct your code.
Showing the same document in two sublime text windows code#
Select the code and head to Edit > Lines > Auto Indent. One annoyance I have is when I copy code from somewhere and the indentation is all over the place. There are also other ways to get multiple cursors - but we’ll cover them later with keyboard shortcuts. Just hold cmd (Mac) or ctrl (Windows/Linux) and click in every place you want to type. This enables to you type many things at once, on multiple lines, anywhere in the document. One of the most impressive features of Atom is its multiple cursor support. It’s worth having a look through all the menu options - as you might spot something you never knew was there! Multiple Cursors

There are options you can enable, features the IDE has, and menu settings you never knew existed. Once you have Sublime Text up-and-running, from its menu select View > Show Console.The first stop is some general Atom tips. If you have not yet installed Package Control, go ahead and open up Sublime Text. I recommend designating one of your computers as your “initial computer.” Once you configure your Sublime Text settings on this initial machine to your liking, we will be syncing these files with Dropbox. Instructions may vary depending on your operating system.
Showing the same document in two sublime text windows download#
NOTE: If not already installed, Download a fresh copy of Sublime Text 3 to get up and running.

Dropbox sync allows for the cleanest, most “hands-off” approach. There are other ways to sync your installed packages and settings across different machines without utilizing Dropbox, for example by using Git, however I have found that using other methods leads to added steps of constantly syncing files, updating repositories, and the list goes on.
Showing the same document in two sublime text windows install#
Once this file is synced with your other machines via the process outlined below, your other computers will automatically install the correct version of any missing/updated package the next time you start up Sublime Text. This folder contains the Package Control.sublime-settings file, which among other things, contains your list of installed packages. The best way for syncing Sublime Text along with your installed packages, regardless of whether you choose to sync with Dropbox or by another method, is to only sync the Packages/User/ directory. (Only the names of the files/folders may vary.)
Showing the same document in two sublime text windows pro#
Pro Tip: You can follow the same method with any cloud storage system like: Google Drive or OneDrive. Are you a coder with the multiple computers to work on, here is the way you can make your workflow more easier by sharing all of your sublime packages and settings synced across multiple computer with Dropbox.